Can we all just end this male v/s female dichotomy!

This is getting beyond endurance to read any other unreasonable post disgracing men/women. What's wrong with our people!? Do they not understand that respect is earned by giving respect!
Sorry feminists! But this post is not about deshaming men. It's about speaking logic and being fair in all views.
Apologies to men also, as this post does not target women either.
This post is about us - we as a society!
It's totally fine if someone has a different opinion, we should always respect that and try to listen what others intend to say. But for those having a different opinion, you too try to absorb what listeners think, what they appreciate and what they critique.
Criticism has always been considered a healthy aspect of discussion as it allows to brainstorm better ideas and views that benefit all.
Only when criticism is based on logics and grounds - not on abuses and calling names to others.
But no! we are a society who - when finds something divergent that doesn't fit our mindset - doesn't waste a second to stigmatize. Our criticism is based on foul language (which ironically is absolutely right for those who are using) and the response to criticism is mere ignorance or further criticism. As if others wrongdoing would justify ours.
Life is not a challenge of proving yourself correct and others wrong - it's rather about finding the differences, and respecting them, and agreeing on mutual grounds to seek betterment for yourself, your homeland and your community at large.
Think bigger, Choose your perspective, Listen to others' and appreciate the fact that people are at least trying to come up with what they have in their minds. Absorb the differences and whenever you are to critique someone else's thoughts always be courteous enough to make them learn your opinion by telling it politely instead to putting it on to their face as the latter approach will only result in resentment.
A guy commits a crime doesn't reflect that entire manhood is to be questioned. Similarly, a girl being immoral shouldn't be implied to entire of the females.
Perspectives vary; choices differ and so does the actions.
If something is worth questioning, go to LAW & ORDER, that's where you get your rights. You need respect, raise awareness campaigns in educational institutions - that's where they learn the basics of all morals.
Stop abusing the opposite gender just because you found one individual guilty.
When an individual commits crime, he has no identity other than being a criminal - no matter if its a male or female. Justice should prevail for ALL! So stop defaming the entire gender based on crimes that are committed by one individual.
One terrorist speaking arabic language does not signify that entire muslim community is terrorist - same applies to the fact that one male assaulter does not signify that entire masculine gender is assaulter.
Please raise your voices - for whatever you have in you mind. But, please be rationale and decent in your opinion and in your words respectively.
Whatsoever, never undermine your grace just to disgrace others. I repeat, Never!
#GiveRespect #EarnRespect
