The Top 7 Causes of Blurry Photos and how to fix them

Photography has become a sensation for youth and is adopted as profession by many. Certainly; the obsession of perfect pictures is increasing every day, and this has given rise to the endeavor of having flawless photography skills. A photograph is enriched when it is taken considering all the details without blurring any part of it.
Indeed, the whole effort of posing and capturing is spoiled when the results are blurred. The blurriness in pictures in not always due to poor quality camera, but also because of seven major causes that photographers usually neglect.

1. Slow Shutter Speed

This is a technical aspect that distinguishes professionals from naïve photographers. Slow shutter speed causes haziness in photos.
You can fix this matter by observing the effective focal length of the lens and then divide it by 1. The result will give you a safe handheld shutter speed. For instance, if your camera lens is 200 mm equivalent then your shutter speed is effect at 1/200 sec. any slower than this speed may give you blurry results

2. Moving Subject

When the subject is moving, it leads to blurred pictures. The subjects can be flowers moving in winds or a running person etc. You can’t help it when your entire motive is to capture a moving object. However, there still are techniques that you can apply to get you perfect shot.
In this case; you need to focus on three aspects that include holding the camera steady and still, turning on the vibration reduction mode and having a fast shutter speed. However, the most important factor here is again shutter speed

3. Small Lens Aperture

Small lens were once preferred but with the advance in the technology, new cameras are designed with sophisticated zoom lens designs and smaller sensors. Not known to many, but neglecting the aperture size can be a problem taking well-focused pictures.
These new designed cameras capture pictures with sharp focus when the lens aperture is not so small. So to fix this issue, all you need to do is to have a camera with a bigger lens aperture.

4. Misidentifying the Focus

One of the basic causes of blur pictures is that you focus the wrong object. The camera may possess small sensors but still it is used right when an effort is put on.
To fix the blurriness in this case is by focusing the right object while taking the photo. You should use auto-focus while capturing simple pictures in which subject is obvious. However, when trying to adjust the focus on a far object or tiny details; then it is preferred to focus the object manually.

5. Depth of Field

The concept of distance between the photographer and object is depth of field. Even though cameras have the feature of zoom in which can show great results, yet some of the details lack the brilliance of sharpness that pictures taken from small distance have. When you take a picture from a very close view, the results will seem sharper and brighter than those taken from a distance using zoom in feature.
As discussed, the way to fix blurriness is to get close to the object to capture all the details rightly focused. When you’re taking a picture from small distance, it’ll give sharper results than zoom feature. 

6. Never Forget Tripod

There is a high rate of shakiness in photographs when they are captured from a very small distance. Even a minor movement can dismiss the focus.
In such cases, it is always recommended to have tripod. It helps in capturing the picture without making it blur. Conversely, if you try to take handheld close-up shots, the slightest of movement would spoil the results

7. Is your Lens Clean?

Well yes! This is seen as a common factor of blurry pictures too. Sometimes, the photographer doesn’t even realize while taking the pictures until they are seen on big screens. There are chances that winds leave dust particles on lens. Also, touching the lens unnecessarily also make it unclear.

The most effective way is to keep the lens covered all the time when camera is not used and to carry a lens cleaner spray and cotton cloth to clean it while shooting outdoors. 

Moving from technical causes of blurriness to some basic negligence, we have realized that taking a good picture is no piece of cake. You got to put real efforts!
Use these techniques and shoot like a professional!
